Sunday, June 9, 2019

4 Tips for Getting Over Video Game Addiction

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Are you or your children addicted to video games? Because I was, too. I’m a nine-year-old, and I’ll help! I used to play Fortnite for hours on end, but I quit. Here are some things you can do to quit:

1. Find new hobbies. Find things you like to do. If you find something you like, the desire for video games will weaken. Beyblades helped me because they’re popular, physical, and they’re mostly less expensive. Other ideas include Pokémon, Yugioh, Magic the Gathering, puzzles, and board games.

2. Limit yourself or your child to 30 minutes to an hour, or else you will go overboard like me. At first, it felt frustrating, but now I know it was for the better.

3. Delete some games off of your device. If they aren't on your device, you don't think about them as much. It's kind of hard to do because you get attached to the game, but you just have to do it, because it's healthy for your body and mind.

4. Hang out with friends. I was at a friend's house, and he wouldn’t get off his computer. I went home crying. DON’T be that person! Interact in real life, play sports, and eventually video games won’t matter.

I hope this has been helpful. Until next time... Peace!

       -Jed, the nine-year-old

Friday, December 14, 2018

Welcome to my blog!

I'm blogging, so send me money (just kidding). Oh yeah, BAM! I will be posting gaming and comic stuff! And Imagine Dragons rock!

One of my favorite comic books in my collection is Stan Lee Meets Spider-Man (not for auction, don't try). I like that it keeps Stan the Man's legacy going!

My favorite video game is Fortnite. Send me V-bucks :)

What are YOUR favorite comics and video games? Please post a comment!